The brewery is located in a 4,000 sq foot building that was used to store logging equipment. The site where the building sits is adjacent to where logs were laid out and ultimately piled up to be shipped all over the world to both local and international log buyers. This property has always been affectionately referred to as "the Logyard." There are several logyards scattered all across NW PA and our surrounding areas of PA, NY, OH, etc...but only one now houses a brewery and pays homage to the rich history of logging and forestry in this state and neighboring states.
The logging industry has changed over the years and the piles of logs may not exist like they used to at this site, but it will always be remembered as The Logyard. This is the foundation of how we got our brewery name, our branding, why we name our beers what we do, and why we chose to produce our products in Kane, PA versus much more populated areas.